Create / register account
Last updated
Last updated
This is guide to register your account / wallet in BigbangX Platforms,
Before register please make sure to have Terra classic wallet (Station, Galaxy or Leap mobile / extension )
Go to on your browser
Click Wallet Icon in the top right corner and choose the wallet that available on your device (Mobile / Desktop)
Register Account by put your unique name (If the name already taken - please try another name)
A request to sign in authority will pop up on your screen - execute it by click sign in your wallet (No cost)
Refresh your browser and repeat the step 2 and 4 by automaticly log-in.
User can customize profile with changing the username, adding picture and social media link
After log in, click in your profile on top right corner
Choose Edit Profile
Start to customize profile and add link to your social media and click update profile when it's done
We recommended to do this step under 2 minutes if you are using station extension, if the pop up wallet didn't show up - please refresh the browser.